MasonHub Integration


The integration between MasonHub Logistics and Loop is a two-way integration that creates return records (ASN or RA) within MasonHub when a return is initiated in Loop. When the RMA is complete in MasonHub, the refund message or flag is sent back to Loop.

MasonHub has built and maintains this integration.

In this article:

How it works

This integration leverages Loop’s Warehouse API to pull ASN data on a recurring basis, using it to create RMAs within MasonHub. This integration does not leverage a plug-and-play template and will require development for each instance.

Returns Workflow

  1. Customer initiates a return or exchange in the merchant's Loop portal
  2. Return created triggers Loop to send MasonHub a webhook event that is used to automatically create the RMA in MasonHub’s OMS
  3. The RMA number in MasonHub’s OMS corresponds to the Loop RMA ID in the URL, not the RMA name that is displayed at the top of the RMA page
    1. For example, RMA 99904598 =
  4. When enabled for the merchant's account, MasonHub sends Loop a message to process a refund to the customer when all of the RMA’s items are received into available status
  5.  MasonHub sends Loop a flag return message if one or more of the RMA’s items are received as damaged, or are missing from the RMA

Note: The merchant is responsible for managing refund exceptions in the Loop admin where they can decide if they want to process or reject the refund.


How long will it take to set up this integration? Implementation and maintenance is handled by MasonHub, with collaboration from the Loop team. The timeline is 1-2 weeks from initial request to MasonHub.

Will I need a developer involved to complete this integration? Not at all! MasonHub will take care of the integration for you.

How do I get started? To begin the integration process, please contact MasonHub and let them know you'd like to set up an integration with Loop.

Please contact if you have any additional questions.

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