Brightpearl Integration



The integration between Brightpearl and Loop is a two-way integration, responsible for performing two primary actions:

  • Creates sales credits within Brightpearl when a return is initiated through Loop

  • Processes or flags returns within Loop based on inputs in Brightpearl

How it works

This integration creates sales credits within Brightpearl each time a return is initiated, and takes action within Loop upon item receipt by Brightpearl. When items return to the warehouse, Brightpearl sends Loop line item level information from which Loop triggers a processing event.

Getting started

To get started, you must have the Integrations add-on or be a Loop Plus merchant. If this is not included in your current plan, please contact your Account Manager or to see about adding this to your plan. 

Connecting Loop and Brightpearl

  1. Install Loop app in Brightpearl’s app marketplace

  2. Connect Brightpearl in the Loop Admin 

    1. Navigate to Tools & integrations > Integrations and scrolling down to Brightpearl

    2. Click on Brightpearl, click Connect App, and connect your existing Brightpearl and Loop accounts.

    3. You will be prompted to input an API key with the Return scope when connecting Loop, which you can find in Tools & integrations> Developers

    4. It is best to either grab this API key before beginning setup, or in a different tab during setup.

  3. Map Loop Destination IDs to Brightpearl Warehouse IDs. 

    • This step is to ensure that the Brightpearl Warehouse ID listed on sales credits created from Loop is accurate. As a default, the Brightpearl Warehouse ID on the sales credit will be the same as it was on the original sales order.

    • If you only have one warehouse or are fine with the default, this step can be skipped. 

    • If you have multiple warehouses and want to make sure the Warehouse ID data is correct on sales credits, you can easily create mappings by clicking the + button and inputting Loop Destination IDs with matching Brightpearl Warehouse IDs.

  4. Set a sync schedule for how frequently you want Loop and Brightpearl to sync. 

    • This includes searching for open returns that need sales credits created, and searching for if items were received on sales credits associated with open returns

  5. In the Brightpearl app in Shopify, turn OFF the setting 'Create sales credits from returns'. Turning this setting off will ensure that duplicate sales credits are not created by Shopify and Loop for the same return. Sales credits won't automatically be created for any returns created in Shopify, only for returns created in Loop.

Returns Workflow

  1. Customer submits return to Loop.

  2. Sales credit is automatically created in Brightpearl as a child of the original sales order.

  3. Warehouse receives return package, updates status on the sales credit.

  4. Return is automatically processed in Loop.

  5. Sales credit "paid" amount is updated to the amount that was refunded to the customer. The reversal of payment is marked and timestamped in the Notes and Payment History.

    Note: The payment will be posted if the merchant has enabled payments on the configuration for the Loop <> Brightpearl integration.

Sync Logs

  • Sync logs are available for you to have visibility into successful & failed runs to easily catch exceptions

    • If you notice a failed run, review future syncs to see if the appropriate sales credit has been created

  • View sync logs in the Loop Admin by navigating to Settings → Integrations and scrolling down to Brightpearl

    • You can use "Control+F" (or "Command+F" on Mac) to search for a particular order number


What plan do I need to be on to utilize this feature? This feature is included for merchants with Loop Plus or the Integrations add on. If you are not on one of these plans and would like to add this feature reach out to your Merchant Success Manager or

Will I need a developer involved to complete this integration? Not at all!

Where can I find my Brightpearl Warehouse ID(s)? In the Brightpearl admin, the Warehouse IDs can be found under Settings > Products/Inventory > Warehouses. The page displays a list of warehouses with their names, IDs, and type.

Please reach out to with any additional questions.