Release Notes: March 2023


Fixes and improvements

Reporting improvements

We’ve added some new reports and added fields to existing reports to make the reporting function in Loop more valuable. To learn more about reporting in general please visit the Loop Analytics article.

New reports

  • Destinations report

    • This report will add value for merchants who have multiple destinations.

    • In monitoring this report, merchants can track and analyze where returns are going to.

Reporting enhancements

Exchange shipping method configuration

The outbound shipping method for exchange orders can now be configured at the return policy level. Previously, the exchange shipping method was only configurable globally, limiting the ability to properly accommodate optimal shipping requirements across return policies. Now, merchants can assign different shipping methods according to policy zone.

For example, if a merchant would like to assign different shipping methods to domestic and international outbound orders, then that can be configured in Loop by leveraging this feature.

The shipping method for exchange orders can be assigned within the Exchanges section in each return policy.

To learn more about this setting and others please review the Return Policy Settings article.

Suppress order notes

Merchants now have the ability to stop Loop from entering order notes in Shopify. Currently by default, Loop enters a note on the order in Shopify whenever a return is initiated or processed. If you would like Loop to not enter order notes in this field in the future, please reach out to to request suppressing order notes.

For questions on any of the above, please email

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