Bergen Logistics Integration



The partnership between Bergen Logistics and Loop is a two-way integration. When a return is initiated in Loop, the integration creates a return record such as ASN (advanced shipping notification) or RA (return authorization) within Bergen. Then, the integration processes or flags the returns based on the receipt criteria of items Bergen receives.

Bergen has built and maintains this integration.

How it works

This integration uses Loop’s Returns API, or Warehouse API, to pull ASN data on a recurring basis. The returns workflow below shows all the moments the API is used during the returns process.

Returns workflow:

  1. Customer submits a return to Loop.

  2. Loop fires its Returns API.

  3. Return merchandise authorization (RMA) is created in Bergen with data from API.

  4. Warehouse receives return package and creates item receipt within Bergen.

  5. Integration uses Loop's API to trigger a Process or Flag event (in other words, it processes or flags the return) based on receipt criteria.

  6. RMA is closed in Bergen.

  7. Return is complete.

Note: This integration does not leverage a plug-and-play template and will require development for each instance.

Plan information

To check if this integration is included in your plan, please review the Pricing page on Loop's website.

If you're interested in adding this integration to your account, please contact your Merchant Success Manager to make an amendment to your account. 


How long will it take to set up this integration? Implementation and maintenance are handled by Bergen Logistics with support from the Loop team. The timeline is 1-2 weeks from the initial request to Bergen.

Will I need a developer involved to complete this integration? Not at all! Bergen will take care of the integration for you.

How do I get started? To begin the integration process, please contact Bergen and let them know you'd like to set up an integration with Loop.

Please contact if you have any additional questions.