Deposco Integration



This a one-way integration that creates RMAs in Deposco when a return is created in Loop. This integration is owned and maintained by Deposco. If you have any questions about setup or troubleshooting, please contact

How it works

The Loop Returns socket enables you to pull the returns into Deposco so that stock can be received against them. Deposco leverages the Loop Returns API for the integration. The Return Merchandise Authorization interface in Deposco pulls Shopify RMAs from Loop Returns on a scheduled basis. There are no criteria for this interface. 

Here is the mapping of the base fields that are pulled from Loop Returns to create a Customer Return in Deposco:


Follow the written instructions below or view this instructional video to learn how to set up the Deposco-Loop integration.

  1. First, a Loop API key will need to be created

  2. In the Loop admin, go to Returns management > Tools & integrations > Developer tools to create a Loop API key.

  3. In the "API keys" section, click Generate API key.

  4. When creating the API key, check off "Return" for the scope:

  5. Then, open Deposco and head to the Integrations tab.

  6. To add Loop as an integration, click New, then search for the Loop integration.

  7. Enter in the Loop API key copied from Loop.

  8. Select the Company and Facility (fulfillment center) from their respective dropdown menus.

  9. Select a Trading Partner if restricted to a specific vendor.

  10. Under Related Integration, connect the relevant Shopify instance.

  11. Click Apply.

  12. Optional: Turn on RMAs from Shopify and set the pull from Shopify on a specific cadence.

For any questions regarding setup, troubleshooting, or anything else, please contact