Sustainable Return Practices



Loop prioritizes providing sustainable options for both merchants and customers. These include practices such as sustainable shipping, resale channels, and carbon offset opportunities.

Show and encourage sustainable return practices

When you use Loop’s sustainable return options, it’s best to call them out to your customers so that they’re encouraged to go green and also remain more loyal to your brand. See below for how we surface these options to customers on the Return Summary page of your Loop portal:

Box & Ship returns

Customers will see a "Go Green" banner after return submission encouraging them to reuse their original packaging to decrease their carbon footprint.

Happy Returns

Customers see a green leaf tooltip next to the “Drop off at Happy Returns Locations” option.

There is also a "Go Green" banner encouraging customers to choose the “Drop off at Happy Returns Locations” option.

Keep Item

Customers see sustainability-focused text showing customers that you’re asking them not to ship their return back in an effort to reduce waste.

Customizing text

If needed, you can customize any of the sustainability text shown above in your Loop admin:

  1. In the Loop admin, go to Returns management > Shopper experience > Portal customizations.

  2. Scroll down to the Content section and select Edit all content.

  3. To find the text you’d like to edit, you can leverage the Search field and start typing the line of text. Or you can navigate directly to the following pages in Content customizations:

    • To edit the Go Green banners text for standard Box & Ship returns and Happy Returns drop-offs, stay on the Global tab and scroll down to "Sustainable Banner".

    • To edit the Keep Item text, navigate to the Return Status Page tab and scroll down to "Keep Item".

Note: If you would like to use these Loop features without showing and encouraging the sustainable aspects of them, please reach out to your Merchant Success Manager or

Ready-to-go language for store website

In addition to surfacing sustainable practices to customers in your Loop portal, you can also include language on your website to show customers and even new customers that sustainability is a priority for your brand. Here is some ready-to-go language* to include on your website on how you make returns more sustainable for customers:

  • Encourage customers to reuse their original packaging:

    • “We encourage you to hold on to your order packaging until you’re sure you love your item(s). If you need to make a return, reusing the original packaging reduces your carbon footprint by 427 grams CO2 per pound of packaging!”

    • “If you can, try to repurpose your packaging to wrap your next present or send your next piece of mail. If not, please recycle what you can!”

  • If using Loop x Happy Returns:

    • “We use regional Happy Returns locations to bundle returns together before sending them back to our warehouse, decreasing the amount of total shipments being sent. By choosing to drop your return off at a Happy Returns location, you’re saving 16 additional shipments, reducing your carbon footprint by 2,896 grams CO2!”

  • Loop’s Keep Item feature:

    • Due to potential return abuse, Loop does NOT recommend mentioning this practice up-front on your website, and instead recommends keep it a nice surprise for after a customer submits their return.


There Is No Such Thing As A Free Return - Used to calculate carbon footprint reduced by using Happy Returns and Keep Item.

What Is the Carbon Footprint of Packaging? - Used to calculate carbon footprint reduced by reusing original packaging.


Where can I learn more about what sustainable return practices Loop offers? Read more on our website or reach out to your Merchant Success Manager or

Please reach out to with any additional questions.