Zapier - Automated ASN Report



Many Loop merchants leverage direct integrations between Loop and their 3PL or warehouse to create ASNs/RMAs and notify their operations teams of incoming returns. For merchants where a direct warehouse or 3PL integration is not a possibility, downloading and sending the ASN report from Loop has always been an option.

Merchants who are using or would like to use Zapier can create a workflow to automatically notify their warehouse team of any incoming returns automatically, without any development work. This article will cover how to create that flow in Zapier.

This feature is available to merchants on Loop Plus or with the Integrations add-on. It also requires a Zapier plan - free to start, but likely need a paid plan depending on volume.

You can find an overview of Zapier and Loop here.

Setting up the Automated ASN Reports Zap

This Zap will drop the necessary information on all new returns into a live Google Sheet that can be shared among teams. The steps below are simply a recommendation - Zaps can be edited to best match your needs and are very customizable.

Note: If you plan to make a change to a live Zap, be sure to turn off the Zap first



  1. Click Create Zap in Zapier.

  2. Set up your trigger

    1. Search for app: Loop Returns (1.0.0).

    2. Trigger event: New Return Created.

    3. Click Continue.

    4. Click Sign in to Loop Returns (1.0.0).

    5. Enter the Loop credentials for your instance - if you have multiple instances, this will need to be set up for each.

    6. Authorize the app.

    7. Click Test trigger.

    8. Review the payload to confirm the data looks correct - note that this will use Loop test data, not data from your store.

  3. Set up the action

    1. Create a Google Sheet that you want Loop to send data into. Include a header for all the data you want to populate in your ASN. We have a template you can copy and use here, but feel free to edit it as needed.

    2. In Zapier, select the Google Sheets app.

    3. Action: Create Spreadsheet Row.

    4. Sign into Google Sheets.

    5. Tell Zapier which Google Sheet to use.

    6. Map the headers in your sheet to the relevant Loop data points.

    7. Test the action to ensure the data populates in your spreadsheet as expected. If things end up in the wrong place, just tweak your mapping. If all looks correct - turn on your Zap.

Once the Zap has been turned on, all new returns created in Loop will automatically populate in your spreadsheet.

To note one more time - if you plan to make any changes to your spreadsheet, turn the Zap off first. Then turn it back on when any edits have been made.


Does this workflow support processing and flagging returns as well? Not yet, though we plan to add this functionality very soon.

Anything else we should know? As mentioned before, any time you plan to make a change, turn the Zap off first. Editing the Google Sheet can disrupt Zapier's ability to populate data to the right place. Hiding rows is totally fine though.

Please reach out to with any additional questions.

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