Transition to Gift Card API



Loop has historically had two methods for issuing store credit to customers:

  • Gift Card Orders: Creating a new order with a gift card in the requested amount on it

  • Gift Card API: Sending the customer store credit via Shopify’s Gift Card API

The Gift Card Orders process is reliant on modifying a gift card product in Shopify. Due to some changes Shopify has made to how quickly and how frequently Loop can modify these gift card products, the Gift Card Orders process is becoming less reliable for high volume brands.

The Gift Card API process is more scalable, and has few limits, if any, to how much volume we can leverage it for.

In the interest of maintaining a reliable product for our merchants, Loop will be deprecating the Gift Card Orders method of issuing store credit to customers at the end of March, 2025. Merchants still using the Gift Card Orders are advised to switch to the Gift Card API prior to that date.

Important: As of 7/25/24, the option to set up store credit automation via Gift Card Orders is no longer offered as an option to be set up in the Loop admin. For those currently using this method, it will be deprecated officially in March 2025. If you have any questions, please reach out to

Gift Card Orders

This is the process that will soon be deprecated. This process consists of 4 steps:

  1. Customer creates a return for some amount of store credit, this return is then processed.

  2. Loop creates a new variant in the exact requested amount on a gift card product the merchant has specified to Loop in the admin:

  3. Loop creates an order with the newly created gift card variant on it.

  4. Loop deletes the created variant in order to ensure the merchant does not hit the variant limit on the gift card product.

End result

Loop creates an order in Shopify with the customer’s store credit gift card in it.

The order is called LGC-{original order name}. For store credit issued against order 1234, for example, Loop will create LGC-1234.

What’s included:

  • An order is created

  • Order references the originating order

  • Gift card used is called LGC-{originating order}-{amount on the card without decimals}

    • In this case, LGC-21808-7450 for originating order #21808 and card amount $74.50

  • Order created via Loop Returns

  • Order is tagged with the order name

    • In this case #LGC021808

Gift Card API

This is the recommended process for issuing store credit. This process is simpler, and does not run into volume-related issues.

  1. Customer creates a return for some amount of store credit, this return is then processed.

  2. Loop makes a call to Shopify’s Gift Card API and generates a one off gift card in the specified amount. There is no corresponding order. The gift card is automatically sent to the customer.

Here is the setting in the Loop admin:

End Result

Loop generates a gift card, which you can find on your Gift Cards page in Shopify.

What’s included:

  • The gift card was created by Loop Returns & Exchanges

    • This is reflected in the JSON under api_client_id, which is Loop’s provider number of 1662707.

    • This number is always the same for Loop, and can be used to determine whether a gift card was generated by Loop or by something or someone else.

  • The gift card is linked to the customer and their email address. The customer’s email address is searchable in the gift cards overview page.

  • Loop populates the originating order name in the Notes.

    • Copy will read “Gift Card for {originating order name}”

  • The gift card can be resent or deactivated like any other gift card.

How to switch

Switching from Gift Card Orders to the Gift Card API in Loop is quick and easy:

  1. Navigate to Policy Settings > General.

  2. Under Store Credit, change the option to Use Shopify Giftcard API for store credit--that's it! No further configuration is necessary in Loop.

    • Note: Changing this setting will cause the Gift Card Orders option to disappear from the admin. This can be undone if need be by contacting Loop’s support team.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team at

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