Shopify Native Exchanges Announcement


Native Exchanges is here

Over the last two years, Shopify has been creating more robust functionality to better support returns and exchanges. Earlier this year Shopify began rolling out exchange capabilities within the admin, and with it, new capabilities for partners like Loop to build into this infrastructure.

We are excited to announce that Loop now supports Shopify’s native exchanges. This new method of facilitating exchanges connects exchanges to an original order, ultimately creating cleaner data, more accurate reporting, and streamlined integrations.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Streamlined accounting practices

  • No more managing refunds and exchanges across multiple, disconnected orders

    • Return credit is automatically applied against exchange items added to the same order - no more separate orders containing discounts or being marked as paid

    • Taxes are automatically calculated and applied through Shopify - no more tax discrepancies or missing tax codes

    • Clear paper trail for all events on a single order - no more work across orders to identify the lifecycle of a return

  • Accurate exchange reporting within Shopify

    • Accurate returns, net sales, and taxes in Shopify

    • No more order adjustments as a result of exchanges or store credit

    • No more inflated discounts as a result of the Loop Discount

  • Simplified third party integrations

    • Structured data within Shopify for exchanges for third parties to leverage

      • Eliminates the need to “connect” new exchange orders to original orders and accommodate order adjustments as a result of exchanges

  • Scaling exchange infrastructure within Shopify

    • With support for exchanges now a native part of Shopify, expanding capabilities within Shopify will allow Loop to continually improve our offering with support for incentives and more granular processing capabilities

To learn more about the behavior of native exchanges and how it might improve your return and exchange operations, please refer to our Native Exchange Resource in the help center.

If you are interested in testing or implementing the native exchange flow, please reach out to your MSM or

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