Shopify Integration
Shopify Native Exchanges Announcement
Over the last two years, Shopify has been creating more robust functionality to better support returns and exchanges. Earlier this year Shopify began ...
Shopify Native Exchanges
OVERVIEW Loop now supports exchanges via Shopify’s native exchange infrastructure. Moving to native exchanges within Shopify means creating exchanges ...
Shopify Native Exchanges FAQ
Does Loop’s upsell capture functionality change with native exchanges? No, Loop will follow the same upsell capture workflow as before, with Upsell tr...
Exchange Creation Options
OVERVIEW Loop can create exchanges in two different ways: Option 1 (Recommended): Add exchange items to original order This is Shopify's newer exch...
Shopify prefixes and tags
Loop applies a variety of prefixes and tags to orders within Shopify. Below is an overview of what those look like. EXC - exchange order prefix that...
Shopify Scopes
In order for Loop continues to innovate and add to our existing product offering, our app requires additional permissions to interact with your Shopif...
Shopify Permissions
OVERVIEW In order for Loop continues to innovate and add to our existing product offering, our app requires additional permissions to interact with y...
Shopify Returns API
OVERVIEW Recently, Shopify has developed new Return APIs . Loop has leveraged the new APIs to improve the connection between Loop and Shopify in orde...