Returnly Workflow Templates



Merchants who have migrated to Loop from Returnly can use Loop's workflow templates to replicate the functionality of Returnly's tag-based logic.


By default, Returnly workflow templates are disabled in the Loop admin. To use the Returnly workflow templates, contact your Merchant Success Manager or

Workflow templates

The following workflow templates can be used to replicate Returnly's functionality. Each template is named after the corresponding Returnly tag it replaces and includes the Loop workflow conditions and outcomes it utilizes.

  • Free Shipping for Gift Card Outcomes: If the customer chooses a gift card refund for their return, the return shipping is free.

    • Condition 1: Product Tags, Customer Tags, and/or Order Tags includes rtly-gc:offer-free-shipping

    • Condition 2: Return Outcome: Store Credit

    • Outcome/Action: Handling Fees: Waive All Fees

  • Refund to Gift Card Tag: Ensures that the customer is only able to receive a gift card refund.

    • Condition: Product Tags, Customer Tags, and/or Order Tags includes rtly-gc

    • Outcome/Action: Exclude Outcome: Refund

  • Green Return: Customer does not have to return the product.

    • Condition: Product Tags and/or Order Tags includes rtly-green-return

    • Outcome/Actions: Keep Item

  • Multi-warehouse: Enables support for multi-warehouse to indicate the warehouse ID of the destination Loop should send items back to.

    • Condition: Product Tags and/or Order Tags starts with rtly-ship-to

    • Outcome/Action: Override destination, all parsed tag suffixes

  • Non-Returnable: Make all variants of a tagged product non-returnable.

    • Condition: Product Tags includes rtly-non-returnable

    • Outcome/Action: Reject Item

  • Return Policy: Overrides the Default Return Window and Holiday Return Window (where applicable/enabled) from the merchant's policy for the tagged item or order.

    • Condition: Product Tags and/or Order Tags starts with rtly-policy-window-days

    • Outcome/Action: Return Window is set to value from tag suffix

      Note: Order Tags supersede Product Tags. If multiple Order Tags or Product Tags start with the prefix, the workflow won't function correctly.

  • Shipping Rate: Overrides the default return shipping costs from the merchant's policy.

    • Condition: Product Tags and/or Order Tags starts with rtly-shipping-rate

    • Outcome/Action: Handling Fees: Add the prefix value or Override prefix value. The presence of a ! after the prefix denotes Override functionality.

      Note: Order Tags supersede Product Tags. If multiple Order Tags or Product Tags start with the prefix, the workflow won't function correctly.

  • Exchange Block: Allow merchants to block or limit exchanges on certain items and orders.

    • Condition: Product Tags and/or Order Tags includes rtly-exchange:block

    • Outcome/Action: Exclude Outcome: Exchange and Store Credit

  • Exchange Only: Allow merchants to have a more granular Return Policy by setting products or orders to be only eligible for exchanges.

    • Condition: Product Tag and/or Order Tag includes rtly-exchange:only

    • Outcome/Action: Exclude Outcome: Refund

  • Manual Review: On Shopify, merchants can add this tag to a product or order so as to manually authorize a return/RMA. Once a product or order has been flagged, the Return will show under the Needs Review tab on the Returns Dashboard.

    • Condition: Product Tag and/or Order Tag includes rtly-manual-review

    • Outcome/Action: Manual Review


Why don't all of the Returnly product tags have corresponding Loop workflow templates? Some of Returnly's tags are either not required or don't have parallels in Loop's system. We've created templates for all tags that are fully supported.

Please reach out to with any additional questions.