Store Credit Automation


Loop offers store credit as a way for our merchants to retain revenue while providing customers with optionality. Loop offers two ways to issue store credit to your customers, you will need to configure either gift card API or gift card orders. Please read through the options to understand which option is best for you. 
In this article:
  • Gift Card API 
  • Gift Card Orders
  • Testing 
  • FAQ

Gift Card API Automation (Recommended)

Loop leverages Shopify's Gift Card API to create a gift card in the exact amount of the return. That gift card is automatically emailed to the customer at time of creation. This is the simplest way to begin issuing Store Credit to your customers.


Will I see LGC- orders in Shopify when processing returns? No. Using the Gift Card API is simpler because it doesn't require the creation of a new order - Loop can just issue the credit independent of an order.

Do I need to create a gift card product or enter a Product ID anywhere if I'm using the API? No. The Gift Card API enables Loop to issue store credit without needing to create an order with an actual product in it.

How do I know how much store credit was issued through Loop? Utilize the Store Credit report located under the Analytics tab in Loop admin. Sum the Total Gift Card amount for your specified period of time.

Gift Card Order Automation (Optional)

When a return for store credit is issued using this method, Loop generates a new variant of a special gift card product in Shopify, then an order is created with an LGC- prefix for that gift card, which is then sent to the customer.

To use this store credit automation, you will create a Store Credit Gift Card in Shopify and connect it to Loop so that Loop can begin generating new orders for store credit gift cards.

To begin setup, you will need to create a Gift Card product that will be hidden from your store. This Gift Card will be used exclusively by Loop to provide your customers with Store Credit.

To create a Gift Card product:
  1. Log into your Shopify account, go to Products > Gift Cards.
    1. If gift cards have not previously been activated, click the Start selling gift cards on my store button.
  2. Click Gift card products
  3. Select Create gift card product in the upper right hand corner:
  4. Next, set a Gift Card Title
    1. Choose a name that is easily recognized so that your team knows this gift card product is tied to Loop.  
    2. Best Practice: Merchants commonly use the Title “Store Credit Gift Card” to differentiate the Store Credit Gift Card from other forms of Gift Cards.
  5. Scroll to Denominations, if any values are listed then delete each.
    1. Important: If Shopify requires that you keep a denomination, set to $.01
  6. In the top right, next to Product availability, select Manage, uncheck all active sales channels then click Done. Save this change.
  7. After saving, copy the Product ID which appears in the URL and complete the next set of steps:
To connect your newly created Gift Card to Loop:
  1. Navigate to the Loop Admin and go to Settings > General > Store credit.
  2. Select 'Create new gift card orders for store credit' and input the Gift Card Product ID and select 'Save'.

Testing Store Credit

Loop advises that all new Merchants test Store Credit automation after set up.To test your Store Credit Gift Card:

  1. Follow the instructions here to set up a test order.
  2. Go through the return process as the customer and request Store Credit:
  3. After submitting the return request, log in to your Loop admin, access the test you submitted and click Process Return

If the integration is working and you are using the Gift Card API:

  • The return will be archived.
  • In Shopify, the original order will have a note reading "Gift Card issued" along with the date, time, and amount.
  • In Shopify, under Products > Gift Cards, you should see a new gift card generated. It will look like this:

If the integration was a success and you are using the gift card order automation:

  • The return will be archived.
  • In Shopify, a new order will be created with a prefix that reads LGC- (Loop Gift Card) and the original order’s order number.


Can I set an expiration date for Store Credit Gift Cards?

Our Gift Card API Automation functionality will leverage your Shopify settings to set the expiration date. i.e., if you have Gift Cards set to expire in one year and the return processes on May 10, 2021, the Gift Card will expire on May 10, 2022.

Can I resend a Shopify gift card to my customer?

If the customer did not receive their Shopify gift card, follow these instructions:

In Shopify—

  1. Go to Products > Gift Cards 
  2. Search for the customer's email address
  3. Select the Gift Card
  4. Select Resend gift card to customer in the bottom right corner

Please reach out to with any additional questions.

What if I use for Store Credit Gift Cards?

Great news! We are integrated with and you can find more information here.

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