Offset: FAQ



What is the difference between Offset Flex and Offset Free? Offset Flex can be added to any plan and fees you collect can be customized. Offset Free is a plan with no cost to the merchant for software costs, the cost of returns is passed onto the shopper in full by the fixed price fees that Loop calculated as stated in your contract.

The offset toggle defaults to on in checkout. Can we change it to be default off and the shopper can toggle it on if they choose? At this time, the toggle defaults to on. However, we will be changing the setting to default to off by February 18 due to a new Shopify requirement.

How do I know if I'm on Flex or Free? In the admin, the handling fees will be locked for Offset Free merchants. You can also check in your contract or contact your Account Manager, Onboarding Specialist, or Support.

What happens if a customer doesn’t purchase Offset? Customers that don’t purchase Offset can still submit returns through Loop. However, they will be subject to a handling fee since they did not purchase Offset for free returns.

Can I set the Offset SKU to default-off rather than default-on? Not at this time, but we plan to add this customization for merchants soon.

Can I combine Offset with Shipping Protection? Not at this time, but we plan to add this capability for merchants soon.

What if I have my Shopify store configured so that products can be purchased directly from the product description page? If you’re using Offset Checkout, there will be no change here. The customer will be offered coverage during checkout as usual.

Can I prevent Offset from impacting the Shopify order notes?

No, Loop must enter Offset information in the notes field. We rely on this to be able to identify the Offset product in Loop and for billing purposes. Offset notes will not interfere with any other notes.

How are handling fees collected? Merchants must collect handling fees via Stripe. If you do not have Stripe connected to Loop already, please follow the setup steps in the Stripe article to link your account.

Do I need to disable Redo before moving forward with Offset setup?

We recommend disabling the Redo app and deleting/deactivating the Redo product before proceeding with setting up Offset.

How should my warehouse handle fulfilling the Offset product?

Our default recommendation is to set the Offset product to auto-fulfill with Shopify Flows. Once that is setup, we recommend configuring it so your warehouse can accept "partially fulfilled" and "Paid" orders.

If your warehouse cannot "partially fulfilled" and "Paid" orders, then you should not set the Offset product to auto-full with Flows. Instead, you have two options:

  • Assign a SKU/Barcode to the Offset product then tell the warehouse to generate a barcode to scan when they're fulfilling an order.

  • Manually mark the Offset product fulfilled in Shopify.

Can I customize the copy of the Offset component?

If you are on Offset Flex, yes! You can adjust the copy in the Loop admin. This feature is coming soon for Offset Free!

Offset Flex

What Loop plan is Offset Flex available on? Offset Flex can be added on to any standard Loop pricing plan.

Can I change the Offset returns fee? Yes, Flex merchants can change the fee by adjusting the price of the Offset product in Shopify.

Can I use Offset Flex for non-US and cross-border returns? Yes, you can connect any shipping service available with Loop to cover all regions.

Can I set different fees for different return policies? You may set different handling fees within each return policy. However, the Offset fee is not dynamic at this time and would only apply to markets you configure the Offset SKU for.

Can I set up rules for when to charge different fees or offer free returns? Yes! You can use Workflows to set up rules for handling fees such as offering free returns for VIP customers, first-time customers, exchanges over refunds, damaged products, etc. However, the Offset fee will still show at checkout. We plan to improve this customization for merchants soon.

Offset Free

What Loop plan is Offset Free available on? Offset Free can be added on to any standard Loop pricing plan.

Can I use Offset Free for non-US and cross-border returns? Yes, but you will need to add an international return policy and your own carrier accounts. The shipping account automatically added is only for US domestic labels. Head to Ship by Loop Worldwide to add international carriers.

Can I set different fees for different return policies? The price of the Offset product in Shopify and the handling fees in the return policy are fixed. This is because they are contractually agreed upon and calculated specifically to cover the cost of your returns.

However, if you'd like to waive fees or reduce/increase fees for certain returns, then these can be customized in Workflows. You will still be billed for the set fees if Workflows is used to change the handling fee.

How are the Offset Fees and Handling Fees decided? These fees would have been determined in the sales cycle based on your return rate and average shipping cost.

What carriers do you use for shipping with Offset Free? Loop uses our USPS and FedEx accounts for Offset Free shipping.

Can I make FedEx my preferred carrier? Yes, but this has to be done on the Loop backend and it my result in higher Offset fees due to FedEx labels being more expensive on average.

How can I file a carrier claim for lost or damaged packages since Offset Free uses Loop's shipping account?

You can file a claim directly with the carrier used. USPS Ground Advantage allows claims for products <$100, and you may file a claim here. For FedEx, you may start a claim by emailing details to and your Loop MSM. If approved by the carrier, we will include a refund line item in billing.

If Loop is offering free software and return shipping with Offset Free, how does Loop make money? Loop will offer merchants free software and US domestic return shipping. In return, Loop will collect the funds paid by their customers from the Offset fee and handling fees.

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